WWDC and iOS 12
Every year Apple releases new software at WWDC. We saw iOS 11 last year and this year we are expecting iOS 12.
iOS 11 was a complete bomb for Apple, actually not completely. Apple has definitely learned to finalize their software because this year, iOS 12 will be an improved version of iOS 11. We are not expecting many new and crazy features, but instead, we are looking for…
New Features
- Cross-compatible apps between Mac and iOS
- Parental controls
- Group FaceTime
- Alway on display
- Dynamic wallpapers
- Faster animations
- New AR functions that only tech geeks will use
- Animojis on the iPad (possibly a new face ID version)
- FaceTime animojis
- New animojis (iPhone X only)
Redesigned Features
- Redesigned Siri with increased functionality
- Improvements to the photos app
- Redesigned Reminders app
- Redesigned Music app
- Redesigned Stocks app
- Grouped Notification Center
- Improved dark mode
Mac OS
- Cross-compatible apps between Mac and iOS
- New Dark Mode macos-10-14.jpg
at WWDC 2018.