Navdy is a head up display that gives you access to your music, maps, a voice assistant, and with a swipe of your hand can answer a call.  To get to the music menu directly, double tap (rapid) on the click wheel. It pulls the music menu up.  Three clicks pull up the brightness menu, you can do this manually, or automatically.  It also lists everything like milage, gas and coolant liquid.

So whats the difference between this device and your phone dash dock?  If you are traveling at highway speeds and take 4 seconds to look at your phone, you have already gone the length of a football field.

So whats the difference between this device and your phone dash dock?  If you are traveling at highway speeds and take 4 seconds to look at your phone, you have already gone the length of a football field.

Now we have the question, is Navdy adding to the distraction? Yes, but it is safer than checking your phone and your eyes stay on the road.
From Navdy Video below

Navdy is a great way to give an older car new life.  It works with almost any car after 1996 because of the certain port it requires.

Tek Tawk