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Let’s start at the top.

Apple has been selling a ton of products since Steve Jobs sold his pitch with the iPhone. Whenever a smaller company wants to design a phone, they look at Apple for an exemplary model. Apple finally realized that they were losing to Google in educational sales and they thought. How could we get more money and make more sales? Clearly, they thought lowering the price by a couple of hundred dollars would help, but… we’ll see how that works. As of now, this idea hasn’t driven me to make a purchase after all aren’t iPads dying? A computer has much more functionality than an iPad which doesn’t even have a physical keyboard. This is where you have to decide whether this new iPad fits you, the buyer. Me, I see no need in this “upgrade”. If you are on a budget this is great, but if you can spend the extra money the iPad Pro is definatley worth it.



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